Tokyo Private Police - Complete

Scheda tecnica agg. al 23.11.2006

Titolo fuori catalogo
 The Tokio Private Police are undermanned, but it doesn't mean they can't take a little time out to enjoy themselves while they rescue their clientele from all sorts of villainy. Manager Shibata is managing his sultry affair with Kieko, the new captain of the mobile police force and yet he continues to provide inspiration to all of his officers. Offices like Noriko, the newest recruit recently transferred from the infamous Ginza branch. Her tomboyish looks don't help her get any dates but she still finds the man of her dreams on her very own team.
Scheda Film
Titolo Originale --
Nazionalità Giappone
Genere Anime Hentai
Durata 60m
Regia Shinichi Higashi
Scritto da Yu Yamato, Dr. Pochi, Shunene Fuyuki
Interpreti Kouichi Mizuno, Mayuko Tsukiyama, Ryou Matsui, Saki Iijima, Shoko Kawachi, Tateo Izumi

Produzione Silver Star
Distribuzione Import
EAN 5205058811553
Audio Inglese: Dolby Digital 2.0
Giapponese: Dolby Digital 2.0
Sottotitoli Inglese, Greco.
Formato video 1.33:1
Confezione N/A

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Tokyo Private Police - Complete

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