ESP 2: A tribute to Miles - Live in Stuttgart
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ESP 2: A tribute to Miles - Live in Stuttgart

Uscito il 16 Maggio 2006

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 15 years after his death Miles Davis is still the world’s most venerated and most imitated trumpeter. There have been countless acts of homage to his art, from shameless plagiarism to impressive tribute events like this one, recorded on the stage of the Jazz Open Festival in Stuttgart in July 1994 and titled ESP 2. TDK presents this concert in a one-hour live recording.

Recalling the title of a famous 1965 Miles Davis album, a group of his former band members reunited in 1991 under the name ESP and embarked on a tour in honour of the recently deceased jazz trumpeter. They returned in 1994, appearing as ESP 2 in a yet another tribute to Davis three years after his death. The concert also served to satisfy fans’ desires for more Miles Davis concerts, even without the great man himself.

Miles Davis influenced his fellow musicians strongly and will probably continue to do so for generations of jazz musicians to come. He is the most-listened-to jazz trumpeter, not to say jazz musician ever, with his soft, cool sound and economical style representing a negation of all that marks out the trumpet in jazz. The moment he put the Harmon mute in his trumpet and began a ballad, he moved countless listeners, including those to whom jazz otherwise meant nothing. The touchingly beautiful, even ethereal sound of his trumpet formed a striking contrast to the sound of his voice, the huskiness of which underlined the coarseness of his forceful utterances.

The man, whom critics could not forgive for playing with his back to the audience, or for introducing more trends in the course of his career than they could digest, was himself a stern critic. He was as mercilessly frank as he was enigmatically taciturn: a brilliant bandleader who came across as authoritarian and strict, always getting what he wanted from his musicians, but rarely explaining what that was and giving them a good deal of freedom in the process.

Those who played for Miles Davis, not only matured musically, but also climbed the first steps on the ladder to a career of their own. But it is also true that his handpicked sidemen were the cohorts who allowed him to tread the new paths that broadened out into highways of musical development.

The musicians of ESP 2 represent the last 10 years in the creative life of a musician who – as a bandleader and talent scout no less than as a composer or performer – changed the face of jazz for all time.

 Contiene i seguenti brani:
  • Opening Medley, 9:18
  • One Phone Call
  • Street Scenes
  • That’s What Happened
  • Desiree's Desire, 10:02
  • Donna Lee-Davis, 6:49
  • The Man With The Horn, 6:20
  • Ambrosia, 6:07
  • Blue'n Green, 12:48
  • No News Is Good News, 6:48
Scheda Film
Titolo Originale ESP 2: A tribute to Miles - Live in Stuttgart
Anno 1994
Genere Musicale
Durata 58m
Musicisti Robert Irving III, Adam Holzman, David McMurray, Randy Hall, Mino Cinelu, Victor Bailey, Ricky Wellman, Carla Cook

Data uscita 16 Maggio 2006
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Produzione TDK
Distribuzione Cecchi Gori
EAN 8241210014520
Supporto DVD 5 - Singolo lato, singolo strato
Audio Originale: Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS 5.1, Stereo
Formato video 1.33:1
Confezione N/A

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ESP 2: A tribute to Miles - Live in Stuttgart

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